Breaking Voices

Breaking Voices
Kristy Thomas


Lena is a beautiful, well-put together and well-spoken Hispanic woman. She begins her story as a child and her first memory of dancing with her favorite doll Patty followed by being physically abused by her grandmother. As she reflects on her life trying to put the pieces together so that she can better understand how she got to this point of recovery she opens up about her life. The abuse she endured at the hands of her grandmother eventually became more than she could handle. After many hits to the side of her head she lost a majority of her hearing and began to learn sign language, a certain comfort came over her in the silence. But it was the doll that Officer Patterson gave her at a very young age that she held on to, naming it "Patty" and never forgetting that if she ever needed him all she had to do was call 9-1-1 and he would come. By the time that her abuse had progressed to it's climax Lena had created a collection of personalities that the audience gets to experience. Lena then finds herself standing at the base of the staircase looking down at her grandmother who was dead at her feet. Did she kill her? She didn't remember what happened, but she found her voice finally, picked up the phone and called her only friend for help. (*Piece requires some Spanish and some basic sign language.)