Mother Instinct

Mother Instinct
Kristy Thomas


*This piece is written for a Korean woman but can be easily edited out to fit any race and still tell the story to the fullest.Mi Sun stands in front of a mirror looking at her pregnant body. She is not happy about her present situation. We find out that her husband left her when he found out she was pregnant because he didn¿t want a child, didn¿t want any change. Mi Sun is adopted and talks to her adoptive mother sharing with her that she doesn¿t understand how a mother could give her child up. She wonders what her birth mother¿s mindset was to get her to do what she did. As the scene progresses Mi Sun¿s stress level borders on depression but she tells us she has refused medication so she can keep her baby girl safe. He adoptive mother tells her she is concerned about her wellbeing. Mi Sun begins to show symptoms of a disorder called Trichotillomania, a disorder where the person pulls their hair out as a way to deal with their emotional stresses. Mi Sun does this uncontrollably throughout the performance. She finally goes into labor and the baby is born, and when she holds the baby for the first time she begins to understand what motherhood really is¿having the instinct to know that she was not ready to be a mother. She realizes that her daughter needed what she couldn¿t give her but hopefully someone else could. In a very emotional moment Mi Sun gives her daughter back to the nurse and instructs her to never bring her back. Sometimes the things that we want the most in our lives are out of our reach for reasons beyond us, but the strongest person is able to see and realize that they are not capable of it.