There is nothing more unmotivating than working just for a paycheck and believing money and materialism will bring happiness, or selling your soul for what we have been taught to believe will make us happy. How do you know if you’re living your purpose? When you’re living your purpose, you are motivated, grateful, inspired, joyful, peaceful, and experience abundance. The complete opposite of this is just surviving and doing what everyone else is doing. Everyone wants to be a Hero and share their calling to make the world a better place. Everyone wants to feel passion in life. The challenge is to find the gift buried below all the societal conditioning we have absorbed in our life and what we are told will bring us joy. You can find that spark of divinity and empowerment inside of you. Anyone committed to embracing and applying the practical tools in The Hero Inside You can change the way they feel, find their calling, thrive and fall in love with life. The Hero Inside You teaches you how to find your purpose buried deep inside the heart; you cannot use the logical mind the way most people think and believe to discover this purpose. . .this calling. Learn how take the Hero’s journey and live the life you were meant to live and be the true you---a Hero.
This book recounts the stories of people who found the strength to develop the heroic qualities inside them and live fulfilling lives.You will be inspired by their stories and discover how they used their hero to build successful lives.
There is a hero inside all of us.
A Hero Like You looks at everyday heroes and highlights qualities such as loyalty, compassion, resourcefulness, justice, and courage. "What the world needs is a hero like you!"
Quick, easy-to-read and inspiring stories celebrating courage and bravery.
... Negin Farsad, Brian Herrera, J. Holtham, Sam Hunter, Michael R. Jackson, Lexie Kahanovitz, Myq Kaplan, Cari Lynn, Ruth McKee, ... Thank you so much to Jennifer Baker, Lynn Becker, Billy Merrell, Sara Ortiz, Anica Rissi, Leila Sales, ...
Also included is a special edition CD of The Hero in You with 14 songs and exclusive introductory tracks from Ellis Paul. Readers can listen along to the lyrical book text, then read additional facts about the heroes on each spread.
A collection of short stories by diverse authors that explores acts of bravery by heroes trying to make the world a better place.
Along with great messages, The Hero in Me includes practical tips for deterring bullying situations and advice for being a good friend.
Other volumes in the series Volume I Oogenesis, Oviposition, and Oosorption Volume II Spermatogenesis and Sperm Function Volume III Accessory Sex Glands Volume IV Fertilization, Development, and Parental Care (Parts A and B) Volume V Sexual ...
This book shows them how to be the hero of their own story and discover their own hero journey. What makes a hero? Activists. advocates, allies, and friends. Sometimes heroes are our parents, teachers, or siblings.