A Collaborative Approach to Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

School-to-work transition
JoAnn M. Rae


"This text was written to provide current information on the legislation and implementation of transition planning to aspiring teachers in teaching preparation courses, students and teachers seeking to learn about transition planning, currently practicing transition planning specialists, special education teams, and new and aspiring special and general education school administrators. It addresses the goals of transition planning and describes methods of implementing plans to instruct students and families about transition. It also provides examples of situations in case reports to inform new educators in special education and currently practicing educators about creating an organized documentation system of collaboration, instruction, services, and supports during the transition planning process. In addition, the text provides a systematic approach to collaborating with students, families, special education teams, administrators, school boards, and community agencies to increase opportunities and develop more effective transition plans. Therefore, the content of this text serves as an essential resource to those educators and community agencies. This text describes the process of how special educators can guide students with disabilities through the tumultuous adolescent period. It promotes using the best practices that are most likely to increase positive post-school outcomes for students with disabilities. Special educators will learn to give explicit instruction to students during transition in areas such as participating in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting; developing goals for transition; and collaborating with the transition planning specialist, the IEP team, and families. Transition planning specialists and special education teams benefit from learning about the framework of transition with examples of what the process of transition planning looks like and how to carry out their roles and legal responsibilities. This text addresses the how of working with students and their parents within the school community, ensuring that the framework of transition planning, team collaboration, and student participation advances students' smooth transitions to adulthood. A system of communication is provided in this text to promote movement through the curriculum, and the activities of transition are provided to aid in understanding the process of transition planning. Whether or not you ultimately work in the area of transition, this text will also help you in the areas of collaboration and student engagement, which are applicable to any teaching and administrative role. You will also learn about school- and community-based transition services and in-school activities that widen the range of inclusion in the life of the school community"--

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