"This study guide for the Board of Certification (BOC) exam was inspired and developed as a result of a strong passion for our profession. Athletic training is a unique health care profession in that the athletic trainer is often in the position of experiencing the results of their efforts. The patients' victories are our victories, and their losses are our losses. We become friends, mentors, counselors, teachers, guardians, protectors, and healers. It takes a special individual to become a proficient and dedicated professional athletic trainer. Long hours are spent in the athletic training facility, classroom, and field experience venues preparing for the final exam that will allow you to place the letters "ATC" behind your name. Our intent in writing this study guide is to assist you in accomplishing that final goal of passing the BOC exam. It is an accumulation of dedicated research and past experience. We have included a section on study techniques to assist you in your preparation for the exam and a general overview of the exam format to help you organize your thoughts. This guide has been divided into 7 chapters: Study Techniques and Test-Taking Strategies, General Information and the Examination Format, Knowledge Assessment, Clinical Decision Making, Skills Assessment, Critical Thinking, and What to Do if You Do Not Pass the First Time. The multiple-choice and true/false questions in Chapter 3 have been organized according to the BOC's Practice Analysis, 7th ed Educational Domains and are also subdivided into related athletic training subjects to allow you to assess specific subjects in which you may be weak and those in which your strengths lie. Although this study guide will assist you in preparing for the certification exam, it should not be used in place of your textbooks or other sources of study from your academic program. It is not intended to be a practice exam; it is meant only to be used as an adjunct source of information and to tie everything you have learned in the classroom and during your clinical education experiences together. In Chapters 1 and 2, we have provided some specific tools to help you organize yourself up to 6 months prior to the examination. Chapter 3, Knowledge Assessment, consists of more than 1400 study questions. The majority of the multiple choice and true/false questions is a "mixed bag" of subjects derived from the BOC's Practice Analysis Educational Domains, and the balance covers most of the related subject matter of athletic training, as previously mentioned. Chapter 4, Clinical Decision Making, tests your ability to make appropriate judgment calls and improve your problem-solving skills. Each problem presents a specific scenario with several possible options that you can choose to follow. Chapter 5, Skills Assessment, is composed of 26 problems that are designed to test your manual athletic training skills. Chapter 6, Critical Thinking, is composed of scenario-based problems designed to test your ability to develop differential diagnoses. Chapter 7, What to Do if You Do Not Pass the First Time, is directed at helping you if your test results are not favorable. We have included some suggestions on how to deal with the immediate difficulties not passing may cause and how to begin the process of developing a new approach for your next attempt. Provided you have applied the information you have learned in the classroom and on the field to the study strategies we have offered in this manual, you will not need to read this final chapter. The 7th Edition also features an online component with a variety of questions. You can test your knowledge with these exams and receive the results for each when completed. Also, at the end of each sample exam, you will be able to review the questions along with the correct answers for a complete and comprehensive review. We wish you luck and look forward to welcoming you as a colleague"--