"English," wrote Virginia Woolf, "which can express the thoughts of Hamlet and the tragedy of Lear, has no words for the shiver and the headache ... let a sufferer try to describe a pain in his head to a doctor and language at once runs dry. Despite Woolf's astute observation and the apparent dearth of writings on such subjects, editor Kathleen O'Shea has managed to gather a wide selection of helpful excerpts, chapters, poetry, and even a short play in this anthology-all with a view toward increasing our understanding and ending the stigma attached to migraines and migraine sufferers. Unlike clinical materials, this anthology addresses the feelings and symptoms that the writers have experienced, sometimes daily. These pieces speak freely about the loneliness and helplessness one feels when a migraine comes on. The sufferer faces nausea, pain, sensitivity to light, and having the veracity of all these symptoms doubted by others. O'Shea, a professor of literature and a migraine sufferer herself, also includes an original essay of her own reflections. Offered as an alternative not only to medical writing but also to self-help books and internet blogs, So Much More Than a Headache addresses a real omission in the available works on migraine, provides a resource for those who may have under-estimated the depth and range of writing on this subject, and challenges the cultural bias that dismisses migraine as "just a headache".
In Smoothies for Life !, Daniella Chace and Maureen Keane show you how to make high - energy , delicious smoothies at home ! You will learn how to : Smoothies for Life ! Daniella Chace and Maureen B. Keane Beat fatigue with Mocha Magic ...
The Headache Cookbook: A Tool for Migraine Self-help
Serotonin and Migraine: Biochemical, Pharmacological and Therapeutical Aspects
This text is a comprehensive guide to its treatment that includes established principles and recent findings.
The Migraine Revolution: The New Drug-free Solution
Migraña y otras cefaleas
This guide explains what migraine is and the different types that exist including classical and cluster headaches. This book helps to identify particular triggers to migraine attacks and how to arm against them.
The Migraine Brain help readers identify the triggers that can bring on an attack and then offers a range of tactics and treatments to help migraine sufferers control and mitigate their pain.
The series is being launched with 14 titles; future topics will include a wide range of medical and general health topics ranging from depression and arthritis to menopause and nutrition.
Despite their widespread occurrence, migraines are often misunderstood in terms of both origin and treatment. Shifflett examines the causes of these painful headaches, many of which can be corrected by the individual.