The Workbook is organized to follow the textbook on a chapter-by-chapter basis, providing questions to help the student review the material presented in the chapter. This supplement is a consumable resource, designed with perforated pages so that a given chapter can be removed and turned in for grading or checking.
The second edition has been updated to reflect recent changes in tax laws and procedures, and includes new coverage of workplace diversity and safety, understanding FAFSA for education and personal financial planning, and management ...
This workbook is designed for use with the Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance textbook. As you complete the activities in this workbook, you will review the concepts, facts, and skills presented in the text.
Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance Unit 8
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance Unit 7
"Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing - not just the vocabulary.
Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance Unit 5
(same as above, plus) ,how they operate, and how they are managed.
The primary purpose of this book is to provide students and others with a concise, thoroughly up-to-date book which will enable them to obtain a sound knowledge of the basic principles and practice of business administration for examination ...
Y.M.B.A. topics are discussed using relevant examples based on familiar student scenarios.The optional partner workbook offers worksheet pages, known as "The Drawing Board”, that provide an opportunity for students to implement the ...