With Keto For One, get 100 delicious dishes for every meal of the day—perfectly proportioned and macro-balanced. Single-serve cooking is one of the biggest challenges when trying to adhere to an eating plan. Most recipes are portioned for 4–6 servings, which means you’ll be eating the same thing for a week or trying to adjust recipes and struggling to figure out proper cooking times and fractions of measurements. With keto, you also have the additional challenge of balancing your macronutrients—a few too many carbs or not enough fat and your recipe is no longer in the ketogenic zone. No more fussing with recipes. No more eating leftovers. No more wasted food (or money!). No more cobbling together snacks and calling it a meal. No more temptation to give into carb-laden, nutrient-void, single-serving convenience foods. Just delicious recipes from "low-carb queen" and best-selling author Dana Carpender. Enjoy delicious keto burgers and smoothies, as well as quick skillet stir-fries and plenty of tasty meals that can be pulled together quickly or ahead of time.
The Instant Pot is the only gadget that can replace a slow cooker, rice cooker, and stockpot, and this is the only cookbook with keto diet recipes for this device.
In The Keto for Two Cookbook, you will find 100 easy and delicious two-serving keto recipes to minimize waste and monitor your portions. It’s perfect for both singles and couples who are following the keto diet.
75 One-Pan Keto Recipes! We're all so busy, eating healthy can be quite a challenge. Here are quick, easy, and delicious meals for your whole family.
The low-carb, high-fat keto diet has become the go-to healthy diet. The Beginner's KetoDiet Cookbook is the guide to its all-important first weeks, or the ketosis induction.
This easy to navigate keto cookbook has 1000 Foolproof recipes in the following categories: No-fuss Lunch and Dinner keto recipes Energizing Starters & Appetizers Tasty Starters and Salads for Light & Fresh dishes Great variety of ...
This book will help readers lose weight, feel healthier, and identify whether or not certain common allergens are hindering their progress—all while eating an abundance of delicious foods that the entire family can enjoy.
In The Keto All Day Cookbook, best-selling author and creator of the KetoDiet blog Martina Slajerova compiles her best recipes for every meal of the day (even snacks)—plus 17 new ones, accompanied by nearly 40 gorgeous new photos—to ...
500 Low-Carb Meals—from the Series that has Sold More Than 11 Million Copies!
550 Effortless Keto Recipes for Quick Weight Loss in 2019-20 Do you crave quick & effortless keto recipes?
This recipe book has you covered! Aaron Day, an accredited nutritional therapist and advocate for the keto lifestyle, shows you how an air fryer offers a healthy cooking option for keto dieters.