Originally published in 1926, this biography tells the rousing tale of Billy the Kid, once of the most well known outlaws in the Old West. The Saga of Billy the Kid focuses on a period of time where two dangerous gangs tore a bloody path across Lincoln, New Mexico. After being shot to death in 1881 by the intrepid Lincoln County sheriff Pat Garret, Billy the Kid became a romanticized symbol of the wildness that laced the American west. Interest in the outlaw’s wild life grew after Burn’s initial publication, setting Billy the Kid up as one of the finest examples of the loss of the Wild West. As the US grew more industrialized, the stories of saloons, train robberies, and lone cowboys became even more important, and still remain important today. In a rousing tale that is partly truth, partly fiction, read the story that started its own wild frontier in the most influential version out there.
Traces the brief life of the western outlaw whose lifestyle reflected the violence prevalent on the American frontier
Author, Gale Cooper's Billy and Paulita: The Saga of Billy the Kid, Paulita Maxwell, and the Santa Fe Ring, in hardcover and paperback, 658 pages, is a literary milestone, using research of 40,000 pages of archival documents and books, ...
“A marvelous journey into both history and imagination…A perfectly compelling and fast-paced story” (San Francisco Chronicle) from Ron Hansen about an iconic American criminal of the old West: legendary outlaw, Billy the Kid.
Ondaatje’s Billy the Kid (aka William H. Bonney / Henry McCarty / Henry Antrim) is not the clichéd dimestore comicbook gunslinger later parodied within the pages of this book.
Examines the career of the young outlaw whose life and death were an expression of the violence prevalent on the American frontier.
Later, Billy refused to honor the truce negotiated by Governor Wallace and kills Sheriff Pat Garrett. This is a great book on the old west and one of the most famous outlaws of all time.
Traces the brief and violent life of the outlaw who gained notoriety throughout the West
This book is totally nonfiction and it contains foolproof evidence of who these two old men really were. Only one could have been Billy the Kid. The book also contains new information about Buckshot Roberts and Johnny Ringo.
Examines the career of the young outlaw whose life and death were an expression of the violence prevalent on the American frontier.
And from Las Vegas he came to Tombstone and with Harry Head , Jim Crane , Bill Crane , also Bill King and himself , all went batching in a house ten miles north from town , which was known as the Wells . And all three remained there for ...