Read this book and help create a better future Climate change affects us all. The manner in which we generate power globally—predominately burning high-carbon fuels—releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, worsening climate change, and we must do something to change that. In A Matter of Scale, Preston Urka untangles the scope of electricity consumption on our planet, the technology choices, society's need for power, and most importantly the vast scale of electricity generation. This book will give you the tools you need to help you understand low-carbon possibilities and the solutions society must adopt—solutions you must advocate for—to achieve a clean energy future.
... A MATTER OF SCALE Topic Editors: Iker Aranjuelo, Superior Council of Scientific Investigations, Spain Marouane Baslam, Niigata University, Japan Alvaro Sanz-Saez, Auburn University, United States Citation: Aranjuelo, I ... a Matter of Scale.
Published as a sequel of 'Apprentissages' (2017), this new book by Sheila Hicks in the Hapax Series gathers together recent monumental and architectural-based projects by the acclaimed American Paris-based artist.
As an explicit scholarly current, posthumanism, according to Cary Wolfe, “names a historical moment ... which [performs a] decentering of the human by its imbrication in technical, medical, informatics, and economic networks.
"This is science writing as wonder and as inspiration." —The Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal From one of the most influential scientists of our time, a dazzling exploration of the hidden laws that govern the life cycle of ...
But how do you scale ? And how does it differ from flipping for a quick profit or slower organic growth? Les McKeown advises industry leaders on how to achieve scalable, sustainable growth.
In keeping with the edifying mission of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), in 1939 the Commission established BCN and took over the private station VONF, the Voice of Newfoundland (Klassen 2007: 207; Webb 2008: 1).
In this book, he draws on their most riveting, revealing stories—as well as his own experience as a founder and investor—to distill the secrets behind the most extraordinary success stories of our times.
The book addresses undergraduate and graduate students, as well as beginners in multi-scale modeling of materials.
Evolution of Matter and Energy on a Cosmic and Planetary Scale
A user's guide for dismantling modern civilization.