Stephen R. Covey's the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Interactive Edition explains through infographics, videos and excerpts of teachings the philosophy that has revolutionized life management. For 25 years, Stephen R. Covey’s step-by-step lessons have helped millions from all walks of life lead successful and satisfying lives. A new condensed and transformed interactive edition of Stephen R. Covey’s most famous work, supported with videos, explanatory infographics, self-tests and more, is here to continue those valuable lessons.
A revolutionary guidebook to achieving peace of mind by seeking the roots of human behavior in character and by learning principles rather than just practices. Covey's method is a pathway to wisdom and power.
He writes insightfully and he cares about people. The equivalent of an entire library of success literature is found in this one volume. The principles he teaches in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People have made a real ...
Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens has sold more than 2 million copies and helped countless teens make better decisions and improve their sense of self-worth.
In the 7 Habits series, international bestselling author Stephen R. Covey showed us how to become as effective as it is possible to be.
This book will launch the message onto a much larger platform. Stephen R. Covey takes the 7 Habits, that have already changed the lives of millions of people, and shows how children can use them as they develop.
In the groundbreaking book, 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People', Stephen R. Covey presents the reader with a holistic, integrated and principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems.
Această carte antrenantă și practică este ghidul de care ai nevoie ca să scapi de deprinderile proaste și să-ți formezi unele bune." – Adam Grant, autorul bestsellerurilor Originalii și Option B. Inspirându-se din cele mai noi ...
This book "is a holistic, integrated approach to solving personal and professional problems by becoming 'principle-centered.' It is a revolutionalry guidebook to achieving peace of mind within and building trust...
Cultivate success, skill, and self-growth. Featuring thought-provoking prompts, worksheets, and self-development quotes that teach you how to achieve your goals, this is the ultimate guided self-growth journal.
Previously published: New York: Free Press, c2004.