As a part of our CasebookPlus offering, you'll receive the print book along with lifetime digital access to the eBook. Additionally you'll receive the Learning Library which includes quizzes tied specifically to your book, and outline starter and digital access to leading study aids in that subject and the Gilbert Law Dictionary. This casebook continues its traditional approach to the teaching of property law. The new edition features new cases inserted into almost every chapter of the book, with appropriately updated notes and comments. The opening chapter includes a section of cases designed to hone a student's skill in close case analysis. In its entirety, the book introduces students to a broad spectrum of material traditionally covered in a first-year property course. A voluminous teacher's manual accompanies the book, with briefs of every principal case and extensive notes designed to aid the teacher in advancing classroom discussion on nearly every note in the casebook. For the first time, the teacher's manual includes additional problems and other materials designed to develop professional skills.
Property, an Introduction to the Concept and the Institution, Teacher's Manual to Accompany Cases and Materials On
Keyed to Breyer Keyed to Gellhorn Keyed to Schwartz Keyed to Areeda Keyed to Handler Keyed to Cound Keyed to Field Keyed to Hazard ... Keyed to Rosenberg Keyed to Yeazell Keyed to Farnsworth Keyed to Cramton Keyed to Reese Keyed to ...
For over two decades, Casenote Legal Briefs have helped hundreds of thousands of students prepare for classes and exams year after year with unparalleled results.
In the Eighth Edition, theauthors--along with new co-author Lior Jacob Strahilevitz--have created athoughtful and thorough revision, true to the spirit of the Late JesseDukeminier.Features:Thoroughly updated throughout with the expansion of ...
Jesse Dukeminier's trademark wit, passion, and human interest perspective has made Property, now in its Eighth Edition, one of the best--and best loved--casebooks of all time.
Property: 1985 Supplement
The subjects discussed in this outline are possession (including wild animals, bailments, and adverse possession), gifts and sales of personal property, freehold possessory estates, and future interests (including reversion, possibility of ...
Teacher's Manual for Property (Third Edition)
The Myth of Property is the first book-length study to focus directly on the variable and complex structure of ownership.
Property and Political Theory