This compact casebook is designed for one-semester contracts classes. It helps students synthesize groups of related cases by focusing attention on the principles, policies, and rules of contract law. It employs many transitions and notes written for the students, rather than excerpting works written for professors or practitioners. Questions are limited to central issues to avoid overwhelming and losing the students. This revision is a thorough makeover that brings everything up to date, and includes a variety of recent cases, dealing with issues such as electronic communications and Internet contracting, while retaining the brevity and "principles approach" of earlier editions.
A straightforward and comprehensive account of all the main areas of the law of contract, for those studying for an LLB or the CPE. The coverage of sale of goods...
The Principles of Law aims to provide the law student with texts on the major areas within the law syllabus. Each text is designed to identify and expound upon the...
[E]ven with eBay's heroic effort to simplify, would most people understand a term stating that “when you give us content, ... People want to surf the internet without even having to click “I agree” every time they enter a new site, ...
The statement of the general principle of law, followed by mention two pages later of a power to set aside contracts ... The first published treatise on English contract law (by John Joseph Powell, 1790) included a long chapter entitled ...
Principles of Contract Law, 5th Editionremains Australias premier text for students of contract law. The new edition has been significantly revised in light of recent developments. Paterson, Robertson & Duke at University of Melbourne.
Designed to complement 'Contract: commentary and materials', 8ed 1998. For students studying the principles of contract law this gives a comprehensive package of study. Designed also as a stand alone text.
General Principles of Contract Law
A discussion Of the contro verted questions will be found in the cases cited in the text. Their consideration in this work would defeat the very purpose for which it is prepared, - succinctness and a ready reference to leading authorities.
Principles of Contract Law
The text addresses the traditional common law principles governing contracts, and yet is accompanied by a steadied discussion of relevant commercial law principles pertaining to the sale of goods under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial ...