This is a valuable resource for students, researchers, practitioners, educators, and administrators that want to increase their knowledge of psychological aspects associated with the development and practice of coaching and management. The reader is guided through models of the coaching process, approaches to coach learning, context specific education, and tools for observing coaching behaviors. Additionally, considerations for enhancing positive youth development, motivational climate, group dynamics, self-regulation, emotions, and mental toughness are outlined. The application of mental skills such as self-talk, the consideration of an athlete's personality in coaching practice, and leadership theories in management are also reviewed. Examples of highly effective sport organizations and approaches to optimizing relationships with support staff are presented, as well as research and implications of coach burnout. The book is written by world leading scholars, sport psychologists, coaches, and managers from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Croatia and the UK. Each chapter presents current research and offers suggestions for optimizing effective coaching and management. The chapters are written to be accessible to a wide range of readers, and each chapter offers a set of key considerations for enhancing practice. The aim of the book is to present up-to-date knowledge of the theories and research undertaken in sport coaching and management, with a particular focus upon applying understanding to maximize effective practice. This book will serve as essential reading for scholars and students; it can be used as a key text in sports coaching or coach education programs. Furthermore, coaches as well as their athletes will benefit from the recommendations for practice presented in the book.
Pearson. Goldstein, J. (2016). Mindfulness: A practical guide to awakening (reprint ed.). Sounds True. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books. Goleman, D. (2006). Social intelligence: The new science of human ...
WILLIAM E. WARREN COACHING AND MOTIVATION : A Practical Guide to Maximum Athletic Performance SWAIN REE SOCCER BOOKS VIDEOS Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Warren.
Joe Ehrmann, "the Most Important Coach in America" ("Parade") and subject of the "New York Times" bestseller "Season of Life," describes how sports can transform lives and society--by teaching coaches to use athletics as a way to develop ...
The Coach in Action
Longing, book three in the Bailey Flanigan Series, picks up where Learning ended.
Today he is CEO of Mark Miner Communications, LLC ( and Publishing, LLC (, publisher of the Civil War book Well At This Time.
For additional information about this series or for the submission of manuscripts , please contact : Joe L. Kincheloe & Shirley R. Steinberg c / o Peter Lang Publishing , Inc. 29 Broadway , 18th floor New York , New York 10006 To order ...
The Sport Psych Handbook makes significant performance improvement possible through training the mind to parallel the body's enhanced development.
This textbook provides all the core content for sports coaching, as well as real-life case studies, support in gaining work placements and a special chapter on study skills, so that students have all the essentials covered for taking a ...
What is a Coach?