Finally, this book concludes with discussion of several policy issues that Congress may wish to consider when evaluating the PA Program in the future, including considerations of significant prospective changes to the PA Program and the ...
Brown , L D and Korten , D C ( 1989 ) The Role of Voluntary Organisations in Development , World Bank , Washington DC . Campbell , P ( 1988 ) Relations Between Southern and Northern NGOs in the Context of Sustainability ...
Decade of Pacific Disaster Aid: The Australian Overseas Disaster Response Organisation, the Australian Government and the Australian NGOs
A dismissive review of Vermonters : A Book of Biographies by Eda Lou Walton in the Nation , was notable for the biting rejoinder it drew from Sinclair Lewis , at the time a resident of Barnard . Despite “ the inevitable Calvin Coolidge ...
The second edition of The Sociology of Katrina again brings together the nation's top sociological researchers in an effort to catalogue and deepen our understanding of the modern catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina.
This book furthers the understanding of supply chain management (SCM) in disaster relief, particularly establishing the central role of logistics in averting and limiting unnecessary hardships.
The lessons learned during these crises have far-reaching applications for both daily logistics and worst case scenarios and they are represented in this book as a much-needed reference for the advancement of the field.
Community Views of Safety and Health Risks and Personal Protection Needs
Ewing, B. T., Kruse, J. B., & Thompson, M. A. (2005). Empirical examination of the Corpus Christi unemployment rate and Hurricane Bret. Natural Hazards Review 6(4): 191–196. Kumar, A. (1982). Lower Probabilities on Inanity Saces and ...
... USN Lieutenant Colonel Michael L. Kramer , JA , USA Major Michael D. Carsten , USMC EDITORIAL OFFICE International Law Studies International Law Department Naval War College ( 36 ) 686 Cushing Roa Newport , RI 02841-1207 Telephone ...