Expression of humor begins at an early age in humans and it arises from both cognitive and social-emotional developmental origins. This book presents research on the emotional aspects, role in social interaction, and the health effects of humor. Chapter One begins with a discussion on social-emotional and cognitive aspects of humor, and suggests that the interactions among these developmental factors provide impetus for the expression and appreciation of humor, even during early childhood. Chapter Two supports the Theory of the Absurd and the Empowerment theory as a framework of unfolding the clowning behaviors of a kindergartener and provides a positive way of considering clowning during the early childhood years highlighting its importance to play and social empowerment. Chapter Three studies the impact of humor of closeness to neighbors. Chapter Four aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the fields of social cognition, identity, and humor within adolescence. Chapter Five explores some of the ways that humor may influence workplace health and well-being, while also addressing some of the problematic aspects of humor use. Chapter Six explores areas of healthcare where the deployment of humor or response to patient-initiated humor and/or laughter by a health profession would be considered inappropriate by their peers and/or their patient and/or the patients' family and friends. Chapter Seven analyses instances of a specific kind of humor that has been identified as jocular mockery because of its frequent occurrence in intimate and close relationships among friends.
Healing with Humour: A Laughter First Aid Kit
... 1950 by Sheed & Ward , Inc. , New York . Scripture quotations marked ( YLT ) are taken from Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible by Robert Young , 3d ed . Copyright © 1956 , reprint of the Edinburgh 1898 edition , Baker ...
Chill: 271 Tips, Practices and Secrets for Staying Healthy, Happy and Sane Under Pressure
Mama and Papa wonder what is making their puppies giggle so much ...
How to Laugh and Be Well
Dr. Dale L. Anderson speaks about Steve Kissell and Surviving Life with Laughter ... ... " Surviving Life with Laughteris a testimony and record of what all mankind should believe in and endorse each day to enhance personal ...
When little Miss Giggles looses her giggle, Mr. Happy takes her to see Mr. Funny, Mr. Topsy-Turvy, and Dr. Makeyouwell in order to make her feel better again.
The emotional pain is so bad that you want to get in the boxing ring and go thirty rounds with you until there is a KO . However , letting go of fear and inviting love in can go along way , just as laughter does .
What Is Laughter
This is an advanced-level text, a valuable resource and reference work for practitioners of Laughter-for-Health, from beginners to the highest levels of experience.