It's time to stop. It's time to break the rules. Join speaker and coach Heather Whelpley as she shares her life-changing journey to let go of proving, pleasing, and perfecting-and guides you to do the same. Through a seamless blend of vulnerable, heartfelt stories and practical tools, you'll discover why you go into overachieving perfection mode and learn how to: Quiet the inner critic-and reawaken your true inner voice Reconnect to your body Reclaim your joy Redefine success on your own terms Reset boundaries and say no An Overachiever's Guide to Breaking the Rules is more than a personal development book. It's an inward journey to free yourself from the weight of perfection and start living your truth.
An Overachiever's Guide to Breaking the Rules
Written by three experts, the book combines engaging discussions with illuminating case studies to provide readers with proven, schema-focused cognitive therapy techniques and self-improvement strategies.
Everyone likes Humaira "Hani" Khan—she’s easy going and one of the most popular girls at school.
... “ Perceived Weight Discrimination and Changes in Weight , Waist Circumference , and Weight Status , " Obesity , 2014 , doi : 10.1002 / oby.20891 . 93 Showing pictures of blackened lungs to smokers : Kelly McGonigal , The ...
While community colleges give first-generation students a chance to open the door to education, simply walking through that door is not enough.
John Wayne Cheever keeps his obsession with serial killers in check by a set of rigid rules that he lives by, hoping to the prevent himself from committing murder, but when a body turns up at a laundromat, must confront a danger outside ...
Now a major motion picture! Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be.
The Overachiever Bosses across the board prefer you to call out sick rather than e-mail, but what if you're e-mailing ... or hospital, your phone shouldn't be on at all, but there you are'breaking the rules to appease your superiors.
Blind Spots helps us find concrete, biblical solutions to the problem of these shortcomings, cultivating a desire for godliness and a greater appreciation for the Spirit's work in our own lives.
Terri Fields's Holdup--a novel with nine unforgettable points of view, in four astonishing parts--will leave the reader wondering about luck and life's strange surprises.