Based on the Hans Christian Andersen classic story. A young boy, Kay, is captivated by a striking image that appears in his frozen window. It is the hauntingly beautiful woman who travels on the winter wind...the icy maiden known as the Snow Queen. An obsession seizes Kay and one day he disappears with the spectral goddess. But is friend, Gerda, refuses to let him go...and she embarks on a dangerous quest to bring him back.
The Snow Queen is a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It is his longest story and is considered by many as his best work. This edition includes color illustrations by Edmund Dulac.
Arienrhod is not without competition as Moon, a young Summer-tribe sibyl, and the nemesis of the Snow Queen, battles to break a conspiracy that spans space.
“Moon ... my child. Wait!” The Queen's voice caught her like a fishhook. “Yes, I saw you; but you no more need to feel ashamed of that than you would of seeing your own reflection.” Moon turned furiously. “We aren't the same!” “We are.
Rediscover the magic of the Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms, by New York Times bestselling author Mercedes Lackey.
"After falling through a magical mirror, Jack stumbles into the Chanted forest, where fiary tale characters are real .
Theatre program.
A classic translation of one of the world's greatest fairy tales — a magical story of a young girl's quest to save the boy she loves. When Kay is lured...
The Snow Queen, beautiful and heartbreaking, comic and tragic, proves again that Cunningham is one of the great novelists of his generation.
This illustrated book for children is a brand new version of Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen.
This volume of the Golden Age of Illustration Series contains Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Snow Queen’.