Imagine a study guide actually designed for teachers! Because we know you've got a busy life, we've developed a study guide that isn't like other certification materials out there. With Cirrus Test Prep's unofficial FTCE ESOL K-12 Study Guide 2019-2020: FTCE (047) Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions for the English for Speakers of Other Languages K-12 Exam you get a swift but full review of everything tested on your certification exam. Cirrus Test Prep's resources will give you the push you need to pass your test the first time. NESINC is not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Cirrus Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. Cirrus Test Prep's FTCE ESOL K-12 Study Guide 2019-2020 includes a comprehensive REVIEW of: Linguistics Language Learning and Acquisition Instruction Assessment Cultural Aspects Professional Aspects well as practice test questions. About Cirrus Test Prep Developed by experienced current and former educators, Cirrus Test Prep's study materials help future educators gain the skills and knowledge needed to successfully pass their state-level teacher certification exams and enter the classroom. Each Cirrus Test Prep study guide includes: a detailed summary of the test's format, content, and scoring; an overview of the content knowledge required to pass the exam; worked-through sample questions with answers and explanations; full-length practice tests including answer explanations; and unique test-taking strategies with highlighted key concepts. Cirrus Test Prep's study materials ensure that new educators feel prepared on test day and beyond.
Aligned with current state standards, this guide covers the subareas of Language and Language Acquisition; ESOL Cultural and Professional Environments; ESOL Planning, Implementations, and Assessment; and ESOL Instruction.
This comprehensive study guide will help readers receive their ESOL certification. The book covers 16 competencies and 78 skills and includes a 120-question sample test to give users the confidence of successfully passing the exam.
Practice for the real exam with this 120 question practice test that covers the core content found on the GACE English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 119, 120 teacher certification exam.
This study guide is perfect for college students, teachers, and career-changing professionals who want to teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in Georgia.
Our comprehensive Cambridge ESOL Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test.
The purpose of the booklet is to provide test taking strategies to use for the FTCE Computer Science K-12 exam. The booklet contains over 70 strategies to achieve a passing score on the FTCE Computer Science K-12 exam.
This is a comprehensive study guide that will prepare you for the Praxis ESOL exam regardless of which state you live in.
Completely aligned with current PRAXIS exam, this book provides the support you need to study and pass the exam with confidence!This study guide includes one practice test to help you test your knowledge, understand how the exam is weighted ...
Pass your teacher certification exam with only one or two weekends of study. This comprehensive individual subject study guide offers: full length sample tests; the latest educational research; & a...
The syllabus for the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam has changed, and this product is no longer suitable preparation material. New Cambridge English products are available to suit the requirements of the new syllabus.