Cross-Training in the Voice Studio: A Balancing Act is an innovative resource for teachers and students of singing in today's evolving professional landscape. Saunders Barton and Spivey offer an inside view of their applied studios and the results of the cross-training process. As vocal performance demands continue to change, singers must adapt in order to stay competitive in the job market. The authors address this challenge and provide a practical technical approach to developing the most flexible and resilient singing voices - the essence of their philosophy of "bel canto can belto," embracing classical and vernacular styles. Key Features In-depth chapter on resonance/registration for voice buildingCross-training in the academic vs. the private studioCross-training with repertoireCoverage of multi-disciplinary training: how acting, speech, movement, and dance support studio effortStudent recordings enhance concepts within the text Cross Training in the Voice Studio: A Balancing Act is a must-read for anyone in the singing profession seeking insight on cross-training.
A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application is a professional resource presenting a framework for the integration of science-informed principles of voice production and pedagogical application in the training of singers.
What does it take to be a musical theatre performer?
Singing and the Actor takes the reader step by step through a practical training programme relevant to the modern singing actor and dancer.
Let's begin with brief definitions of the body map and Body Mapping, kinesthesia, and inclusive awareness. I explain them in detail later in this chapter. □ The body map is your mental representation of your body's structure, size, ...
This book gathers together technical and practical wisdom from some of the world’s most well-known practicing CCM pedagogues.
If it is possible that this can be achieved without a loss of pharyngeal space, it may well prove to be a viable and ... between the sides of the soft palate and the sides of the tongue and its action depends upon one end being fixed.
Disclaimer: Please note that ancillary content (such as documents, audio, and video, etc.) may not be included as published in the original print version of this book.
Body and Voice: Somatic Re-education
If you want to know how, ask an expert - and here are the shared expertises and experience of some of the world's leading singing pedagogues as they explain their teaching methods across a wide range of topic areas working with CCM - ...
The accompanying CD - in Jennifer's own voice - captures a conversation about her ideas and journey, as well as exercises that will help you discover and release your true and best instrument.