Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation, Third Edition provides comprehensive preparation for future audiology and speech-language pathology professionals to serve children and adults with hearing loss. The information is presented in a logical and readable sequence by first introducing the nature of aural rehabilitation, and then discussing considerations for children, adults, and older adults with impaired hearing. This thoroughly updated third edition includes the latest research and findings for each chapter topic: from hearing aid technology, non-hearing aid assistive technology, cochlear implant surgery and benefits, to techniques in speech and language development on behalf of children with impaired hearing and techniques for adult aural rehabilitation. Each chapter is authored by internationally recognized authorities on the topics of working with those with impaired hearing, hearing aids for children and adults, the influence of hearing impairment on communication, family counseling, educational management, cochlear implantation, and many others. Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation highlights the most important clinical and practical aspects of providing aural rehabilitation services, while avoiding the technical detail of theoretical texts. Key Features: * Contributions from more than 15 experts in the field of aural rehabilitation * Chapter outlines begin each chapter and highlight key topics * 15+ appendices with materials and scales for communication assessments New to the Third Edition: * All chapters have been significantly revised, including updated and expanded references * The latest information on cochlear implantation for children, surgical procedures and benefits, hearing aids, and non-hearing aid assistive listening devices * Updated end-of-chapter study questions for use as test materials or as quizzes to test student retention of information
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
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Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
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Now in its Fifth Edition, this text represents the most respected, current, and leading Aural Rehabilitation (AR) text in the field This highly regarded text has been substantially updated and revised, making it more user-friendly for both ...
Chicago Speech Therapy Presents: An Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
Based on a model of person-centered audiological rehabilitation, this book explains why it is important to understand both patients’ own experiences, and those of their communication partners, over time.
New to this edition are chapters on adults who have tinnitus, aural rehabilitation plans for infants and toddlers, and aural rehabilitation plans for children and teenagers.
Second. Edition. Foreword to the First Edition Introduction: Goals and Topics Acknowledgments. Audiologic rehabilitation involves several stages: Identification and evaluation of hearing loss, treatment, and post-treatment care, ...