Now in its sixth edition, School Programs in Speech-Language Pathology: Organization and Service Delivery continues to be a vital resource for faculty, graduate students, school-based practitioners, and program administrators who strive to make a difference in the school setting. The text provides practical solutions and strategies to tackle the challenges faced in the complex and ever-changing education landscape. The authors aim for the book to be an excellent opportunity to stimulate new ways of thinking about the critical role speech-language pathologists (SLP) play in children's education and social development. It provides a foundation for understanding where SLP programs fit within the school organization. SLPs will be motivated to collaborate with colleagues, lead discussions about the link between communication and learning, and introduce innovative models for delivering services. School Programs encourages SLPs to embrace their positions on school teams, share knowledge to make services educationally relevant and help children reach their highest potential. School Programs in Speech-Language Pathology focuses on service delivery, program design, interprofessional collaboration, and how to organize and manage an effective program. Additionally, it covers meeting state and national standards, following federal mandates, and how to relate to and communicate with colleagues and parents. Finally, it encourages readers to grow professionally and enjoy their career as a school-based SLP. Key Features Uniquely focuses on service delivery as opposed to assessment and treatment like other textsChapter questions provide a review of concepts and practical applicationsReal-life examples and collaborative strategies to supplement chapter conceptsUsable forms and checklists New to This Edition New co-author, Jennifer Walsh MeansA new unique framework for thinking about outcomes for school-based programsIncreased pedagogical features in text to enhance learning and comprehension, including chapter learning objectives and engaging learner activitiesExplanation of the SLP's role in MTSS and contributions to student successPractical process, strategies, and tools for building interprofessional collaborative partnershipsRecommendations and tips for coaching teachers and parentsUpdated information on legal policies and trendsDisclaimer: Please note that ancillary content (such as documents, audio, and video, etc.) may not be included as published in the original print version of this book.
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