In this true story of bravery and determination, a young girl named Sybil Ludington risks darkness and danger to help the Revolutionary War effort. The British are invading, and it is up to her to muster the troops for defense. Karen B. Winnick skillfully captures the hazards of wartime, Sybil's courage, and her spirited colt with a suspenseful account and rich illustrations.
The true story of Sybil's bravery and perseverance are faithfully related by Marsha Amstel's appealing text and Ellen Beier's finely crafted illustrations.
A young American patriot, Sybil Ludington was just 16 years old when she made a night-time ride rallying Patriot soldiers.
“Night Riders of the American Revolution.” American Legion Magazine, June 1972. Masonic History of Unadilla, N.Y. Unadilla, NY: Press of the Times, 1902. Masters, Ann V. “Anna Hyatt Huntington Carves Female Paul Revere.
Sybil Rides tells the inspiring true story of the burning of Danbury and Battle of Ridgefield during the American Revolution and how sixteen-year old Sybil Ludington made a forty-mile ride on a cold rainy night becoming known as the Female ...
Describes sixteen-year-old Sybil Ludington's dangerous ride in 1777 to warn the minutemen of the British Attack on Danbury, Connecticut.
What would you do if your country was counting on you to deliver a message?
If she didn't succeed, British soldiers would attack her town and everyone in it. Ride along with Sybil and experience the story of the girl who traveled all night to help the war effort.
WHAT HAPPENED T0 SYBIL LUDINGTON? Word of Sybil's night ride got around. George Washington thanked her personally, and Alexander Hamilton wrote her a letter of appreciation. When she was twenty-three, Sybil married her childhood ...
In 1777, the American Revolution is well underway.
4. DeRounian- Stodola, 144. 5. Victorian Bissell Brown and Timothy J. Shannon, Going to the Source: The Bedford Reader in American History, Volume 1: To 1877, Second Edition (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008), 27. 6.