A young machine gunner's war with the Big Red One, from D-Day through the Hurtgen Forest, the Battle of the Bulge, Remagen to the Wehrmacht's last stand in the mountains of Germany.
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles.
This new edition of "Guns Up!, filled with photographs and updated information about those harrowing battles, also contains the real names of these extraordinary warriors and details of their lives after the war.
Big Corporal Lee Bolander had come up behind me and grabbed me so that the round went high over the buildings. During World War I, Lee had fought the great Gene Tunney for the heavyweight championship of the Marine Corps.
This first hand account by this WWII machine-gunner will transport the reader through over three months of harrowing experiences.
This is not a romantic account of the war, but a realistic record of how American citizen-soldiers actually fought on the Western Front.
This is the story of one young man, far from home, surrounded by strangers, facing death yet never losing hope that he would live to see his family again.
Now in paperback: A pictorial history of WWII aircraft gunner positions featuring detailed photographs of the cramped positions, aircraft profiles, archival photographs, and descriptions by veterans about what it was like.
The story is told through the eyes of SSGT Richard J. Bauer of Hardwood, Michigan, and some of his fellow soldiers.
The author recounts his experiences as a young reporter to "Stars and Stripes," the American forces' daily newspaper in Europe, including his personal account of the liberation and entry into Buchenwald.
Here is the story of a young man who dreamed of flying fighter aircraft and instead was chosen to be cannon fodder in France and Germany . . . who witnessed the brutality of Nazis killing Allied medics by using the cross on their helmets as ...