"This Nutshell provides a basic introduction to international and foreign legal research for the non-specialist. It offers guidance through the unfamiliar pathways of research using international and non-US legal materials and demystifies the world of treaties and international case law. Since it's aimed at the non-specialist, it provides straight-forward background information on the United Nations and the European Union and includes guidance using the documents and legal materials of these institutions. There are extensive links to the rich world of Web resources, but it also describes print research tools that remain important in this field. It also sets out a road map for approaching a research problem involving international, foreign and comparative law. Finally, there is information on keeping current on new information and resources as well as tips for how to do handle source collection and cite-checking an international law journal article." -- Provided by publisher
The High Court decided, by 6:1, that native title did continue to exist in these circumstances. BRENNAN J [with whom Mason CJ and McHugh J agreed]: Although the question whether a territory has been acquired by the Crown is not ...
Borzu Sabahi, Nicholas J. Birch, Ian A. Laird, José Antonio Rivas. UNCITRAL working plan. And similarly there is a test that any new future subject of proposed work should satisfy. Universities, research institutions, and NGOs35 should ...
The Law Express series is designed to help you revise effectively. This book is your guide to understanding essential concepts, remembering and applying key legislation and making your answers stand out!
Ann . 41-2 et seq . , and a common law theory of interference with prospective contractual relations . Kirkpatrick moved to dismiss on , inter alia , grounds that the act of state doctrine barred adjudication .
Hall, . . . Hall's Chronicle, ed. 1809I Hemingburgh, . ed. English Historical Society, 1848. Kendall, . . E. A. Kendall. An Argument on Trial by Battle, 3rd ed. 1818. Knyghton, . . in Decern Scriptores, 1652. Madox, .
Public International Law
Comprehensively updated and expanded. Explains and illustrates the cardinal concepts of international law from an Australian perspective.
Foundations of International Law
International Law
The Making of Difference in International Law [microform]: Interpretation, Identity and Participation in the Discourse of Self-determination