New book purchase includes complimentary digital access to the eBook. This comprehensive reference is the consolidated source for the judicial code of Title 28 and all the various rules of procedure in the federal courts, updated to include the latest amendments. Designed for practitioners and judges as well as for federal courts students, and conveniently sized for carrying with you, this volume nevertheless contains the U.S. Constitution, selected provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, Federal Arbitration Act, Criminal Code, and Civil Rights Acts, and the full text of the Judiciary Act of 1789, in addition to all the civil, criminal, evidence, habeas corpus, MDL, appellate, and Supreme Court rules.
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
With this book, you can quickly and accurately research federal rules at your desk, at home, or in the courtroom.
Model Code of Judicial Conduct
Federal Rules of Evidence and California Evidence Code: 2022 Case Supplement
Connecticut Code of Evidence
An ideal accompaniment to any civil procedure casebook, including the authors’ own Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context, Fifth Edition, the 2022–2023 statutory supplement presents the current Federal Rules of...
"Fifth Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions - Criminal" simplifies and clearly states, in words of common usage and understanding, uniform jury instructions for criminal cases.
Our books are printed using fonts of 11 points size or larger. The text is printed in 1 column unless specifically noted, it is indented for easy reading.
This leading work has been updated and restructured, to ensure it provides guidance on the complete and complex process of making a civil appeal.
New law clerks: welcome to the federal court system.