Tough Choices By: LeDora Knight Tough Choices is intended to present a glimpse of the life of Andrew and Flora, from childhood through marriage and then to the time of their departure from this universe. Get a look at life in the backwoods of Alabama as an elementary school student drops out of school after the fourth grade to become a sharecropper. Initially, he enjoys hanging out with his father all day. But then he grows to resent his father when he is expected to surrender too much of himself to take on his father’s responsibilities. See the progression from sharecropping to serving in the United States Navy as a SeaBee. From there, watch the elementary school dropout fulfill dreams of building a home and educating his children. In the pages that follow, you will see that anything is possible when a team of horses always pull a wagon together in the same direction.
This is a book that all teams and business leaders should read."—Elizabeth Bryant, Chief Learning Officer, Southwest Airlines "Talk about the perfect combination!
The argument for autonomy-developing and autonomy-facilitating education as a way to introduce cultural “options” seems to be distorted in that, in charles taylor's words, it misinterprets choice as a good in itself.
This book helps us build Ethical Fitness®—a values-based decision-making process so definitive that it's now a registered trade mark.
Explains a six-step method for making decisions and provides tips on setting goals, dreaming, and planning for the future.
Tough Choices
This anthology features stories about individuals who find themselves in situations that test their strength of character.
Plays Without Endings: Tough Choices
This is the only scholarly account that offers sufficient detail to allow for extensive comparisons with unmarried mothers in the West.
Praise for the First Edition "Anyone who hopes to hold a job in the next several decades should read—if not memorize—this extraordinary report." —Norman R. Augustine, retired chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and chairman ...
We all look for the best resolution for those we love or lead. Pause, with its step by step practical guidance, helps us get there.