Tinnitus and sound disorder case studies provide invaluable guidance on enhancing quality and scope of patient care Tinnitus affects nearly one in 10 people around the world and tinnitus-related disabilities are considered among the most common chronic conditions reported. Historically, many patients with these conditions have been ignored, misunderstood, or misguided by medical, audiological, and/or online communities. Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity Casebook by renowned audiologists and educators Suzanne H. Kimball and Marc Fagelson provides evidence-based strategies for clinical management of patients with tinnitus as well as sound intolerance disorders, based on a diverse array of case studies drawn from clinics. The book is divided into three sections and 29 chapters, with insightful clinical pearls from 24 multidisciplinary authors. The first section includes 15 cases on a full spectrum of underlying medical conditions, patterns of occurrence, and tinnitus with normal hearing, followed by two cases covering hyperacusis associated with an acoustic shock and diplacusis. Section two details psychological correlates for tinnitus and disorders of sound intolerance, with practical treatment strategies and coping skills for misophonia, fear hyperacusis, hyponatremia, pediatric cases, psychogenic tinnitus and dizziness, and PTSD. The final section, "Additional Considerations," includes two areas of practice currently growing in importance: patients with COVID who notice hearing changes and the co-occurrence of sound intolerance with normal pure-tone thresholds. Key Highlights Background, references, and examples of specific conditions and interventions support audiology's scope while providing options for the practitioner who works with an otherwise underserved patient population Each case study demonstrates the complexity of audiologic rehabilitation associated with tinnitus and disorders of sound tolerance, including challenging and unsuccessful outcomes Clinical history, test results, diagnosis, outcomes, questions, answers, items to support both patient and clinician self-efficacy, and key points enhance acquisition of knowledge, while encouraging problem-solving skills This is an important textbook for every graduate course in the area of clinical audiologic practice that addresses patient management related to tinnitus and sound tolerance. It is also a must-have reference for practicing clinicians to improve management and outcomes of patients with tinnitus, hyperacusis, and misophonia.
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