We may go through many encounters in life, and in most cases, it will not be good. You may become a target by the enemies’ deceptive ways, trying to distract you from the truth with lies and decoys. In this book, I hope to shed some light on some of those wicked schemes the enemy uses to distract, deceive, and delay what God has in store for you. And to show you that the best way to avoid deception is to put on the full armor of God so you can walk in your divine purpose and prosperity in the kingdom of God.
In this book, Robert Trivers seeks to answer one of the most provocative and consequential questions to face humanity: why do we lie to ourselves?
Celebrates the use of optical illusion in art, presenting the importance and uniqueness of such work, discussing such artists as Salvador Dalâi, M.C. Sesher, and Istvâan Orosz.
Providing an interdisciplinary exploration of the widespread phenomenon of lying and deception, this volume promotes a more fully integrated understanding of how people function in their everyday lives.
These tales of deception are so enthralling because they speak to something fundamental in the human condition.
They were led by Senator John Glenn (Democrat, Ohio), the Second World War ace and astronaut, the first American to orbit the earth, a genuine American hero and author of the 1977 amendment that banned US assistance to countries ...
Presents an intimate, incisive portrait of a married, middle-aged American living in London and his mistress, a married Englishwoman, through a private, adulterous dialogue.
Abrams, L. S., Anderson-Nathe, B., & Aguilar, J. (2008). Constructing masculinities in juvenile corrections. Men and Masculinities, 11, 22±41. Akehurst, L., KoÈhnken, G., Vrij, A., & Bull, R. (1996). Lay persons' and police of®cers' ...
This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of moral and conceptual questions about lying and deception.
Deception is a traditional component of political and military conflict. Indeed, many argue that it is intrinsic to all human interaction. It is sometimes mistakenly confused with unintentional confusion or...
Deception is fiendishly clever, as it dances with the conventions of the novel, and redefines the boundaries between fiction and reality.