The book is published by the Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care & Counseling (SIPCC), Dusseldorf, Germany. It addresses key questions such as, what makes for competent pastoral care for, and with migrants?; how does pastoral care relate to social action for, and with migrants'. These are urgent questions in times when the flows of migration seem to grow even faster than the manifold controversies on migration. The issues are numerous, as they mirror the great diversity of causes, contexts, conflicts, political constellations, and attempts at conviviality. All those diverse factors shape the environments in which pastoral care and social action are undertaken and they condition the ways in which care and action can in turn shape the environments in which interactions between migrants and non-migrants take place. The collection of perspectives in this volume are the fruit of a seminar of the SIPCC in Gent, Belgium, in September of 2016, ¿Care and Counseling as Social Action. Inter-religious Cooperation in Urban Migration Contexts.¿ The participants represented many nationalities from five continents. They came as pastors, organizers, supervisors, teachers, religious leaders and academic researchers. They were Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Humanist. They reflected upon their contexts and in many cases on their own work. That means that the reflections offered in this text are born out of engagement with migrants, and/or experiences as migrants. Some provide stories. Some propose pastoral approaches. Some present research. They are made available in this volume in order to contribute to discussions on cultural and social perspectives on migrants and migration, and also to foster good pastoral and social care for and with migrants. The book has four main sections: Surveying the Landscapes of migration; Cultivating care for migrants; and Mediating spaces: Reflections on pastoral care with migrants; and a A selected and annotated bibliography.
Global Ministry in a Global Society focuses on a new paradigm of multicultural ministry in the era of globalization. It intends to share practical ways of doing ministry in a rapidly globalizing society.
This book is a collection of essays by Americans and Mexicans who offer their own perspectives on the difficult and controversial subject of migration.
Called to Welcome the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity
... welcoming the stranger in our midst and enjoying the communion that is our destiny as Children of God . -Welcoming the Stranger Among Us : Unity in Diversity , A Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Com Wommunion does not abolish ...