The first book to examine the connection between gender and memory in Grass's oeuvre, which is especially timely in light of current concerns about male privilege.
Amsel's scarecrow of a “ blindwütig umsichschlagende [ r ] ' Matern , which successfully stops Matern from bullying him at school , also anticipates Matern's later involvement in the SA attack on Amsel as a Jew ( HJ , p . 46 ) .
... the psychic hold of slavery (original emphasis, 71). In other words, Crawford calls attention to the ways remembering the trauma of slavery “is often inseparable from the need to twist and turn this lingering pain inside out” (original ...
... Los pasos de López narrates in a very particular way the conspiracy , the war and the heroes of the 1810 Independence . Through the theme and the mode of rep- resentation , Los pasos de López includes humour , parody and irony as well ...