Take A Deep Breath: This life is not the end and miracles do happen

Take A Deep Breath: This life is not the end and miracles do happen
Take a Deep Breath
Biography & Autobiography
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Ginnelle Ries M.D.


Dr. Ginnelle Ries has witnessed proof that this life is not the end and miracles do happen. Take a Deep Breath is two memoirs intertwined into one. The first is the story of Ginnelle, a girl who from a young age strives to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. It chronicles her life as she struggles with the insecurities of her younger years and her simple wish to be loved. It shares her poignant relationship with her father, her resiliency as she attends medical school as a single mother on welfare, and the stories of the patients she will never forget. You will rejoice with her as she finds love and grieve with her as she loses loved ones. Living through a life-threatening illness brings her full circle and to a point where she can finally say, "No matter what, it will be okay." The second and more important story is the spiritual one, not distinct but rather woven intimately within Ginnelle's life. You will share in her spiritual growth and discovery and the stories of miraculous healings, guardian angels, and messages from loved ones who have passed. You will be beside her as she hears her husband recount his life-after-death experience and be with her as she witnessed something during the death of a loved one that convinced her that this life is not the end. Take a Deep Breath will make you laugh, will make you cry, but, more importantly, will give you hope that we are not alone; this life is not the end; and miracles do happen.

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