"Each edition of America Votes! explores issues of concern and problems that threaten the security and fairness of the American electoral system. There is much that needs to be done across a whole host of issues to restore confidence in the fairness, equity, and security of the voting process in communities across America. This edition describes in detail what these issues are"--
On origins, see Steven F. Lawson and Charles Payne, Debating the Civil Rights Movement, 1945–1968 (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998); Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, “The Long Civil Rights Movement and the Political Uses of the Past,” Journal ...
... ea/ Lang.
This volume also explores the legislation that applies to the sometimes-controversial area of campaign financing."--pub. desc.
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 選舉(舞弊及非法行賄)條例 (第554章). Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554)
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例 (第554章). Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554)
Parker's Law and Conduct of Elections
"Following the model of the first book in the "History in the Headlines (HiH) series (Catherine Clinton's Confederate Statues and Memorialization), Voter Suppression in U.S. Elections offers an enlightening, history-informed conversation ...
"Helping America Vote is an excellent entry for the Controversies series.
No Home, No Vote, No Voice: Challenging the Disenfranchisement of Homeless People : Exposing the Problem and Identifying the Solutions