As first-generation Americans raised by Caribbean parents, many of us have spent a lot of time having intense discussions in our living rooms, barbershops and hair salons about taboo subjects we were taught to keep in secrecy by our elders. This book is a reflection of all these conversations and the answers we were so desperately searching for. This means taking a deep dive into historical racism, violent sexism and the lack of accountability in our communities. I spent all of my youth questioning greedy church leaders, racist traditions, sexist uncles, and uncovering generation-al wounds we did not know were there. This book will allow you to connect the dots of your past and help you make better decisions for your future while explaining the very things that hinder our communities and how we can heal collectively together. It also means ripping apart a foundation that was laid without our best interest at heart and building a new one from scratch. I take an honest approach into Caribbean culture, Catholicism, paedophilia, assimilation, corruption, traumas and many other things. I will help you spot manipulation and hidden gas-lighting tactics, finding your voice in confidence, self-respect and the protection of your spirit. The more we dissect our personal issues, the more we see how much we all have in common. It is time for us to have an open and honest discussion regarding the many things we suffer in silence about, Let's Talk About It, Por La Buena O La Mala."
"Let's Talk is a small rhetoric that covers genres of writing students are most often assigned to do.
Claire Kann’s debut novel Let’s Talk About Love, chosen by readers like you for Macmillan's young adult imprint Swoon Reads, gracefully explores the struggle with emerging adulthood and the complicated line between friendship and what ...
Julius Lester said: "I write because our lives are stories. If enough of these stories are told, then perhaps we will begin to see that our lives are the same story. The differences are merely in the details." I am a story. So are you.
This handbook will make a once-stressful ordeal feel natural, and, by greasing the wheels of regular feedback conversations, help managers improve performance, trust, and mutual understanding.
In Let’s Talk About It, bestselling author and top consultant Dr. Paul Marciano presents a powerful collection of proven communication and relationship strategies that will transform your difficult conversations into healthy conversations ...
Ideal for babies and toddlers Tough, sturdy construction Push-button sound bar with ten words or numbers to hear and say Teaches basic vocabulary and counting skills
These are the conversations that will help us to evolve." Let's Talk About Death (over Dinner) offers keen practical advice on how to have these same conversations—not just at the dinner table, but anywhere.
8 said that Baby Boomers made things worse: Steve LeVine, “Millennials Blame Boomers for Ruining Their Lives,” Axios, April 25, 2018, https://www ...
We are reluctant to engage relationships where it feels probable that there will be awkwardness. Admittedly, this book is not as "neat" as you might like for it to be.
We hope this books encourages you to reflect, to consider and to "Talk About It" when it comes to issues of racial justice."--Jacket flap.