See the baby? What's baby's name? Say . . . BABY. How can we help our smallest readers go from baby babble to pronouncing everyday words? The Baby Babble Series will gently encourage babies and toddlers to use their first words and sounds as building blocks for new vocabulary. The first book in this series introduces the "B" sound with words like book, blanket, and bye bye. Filled with mirrors, textured material, and flaps, this interactive board book invites babies to touch and feel each new word, providing kinesthetic, visual, and auditory sensory experiences that will develop their language skills and delight their hands, eyes, and ears with every turn of the page.
Pictures teach each letter's sound in this wordless alphabet book.
Pictures teach each letter's sound in this wordless alphabet book.
Beatrix Potter. Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd , 80 Strand , London WC2R ORL , England Penguin Putnam Inc. , 375 Hudson Street , New York , N.Y. 10014 , USA Penguin Books Canada Ltd , 10 Alcorn Avenue , Toronto ...
Pop Art ABC: Activity Concept Book
An alphabet book which describes the cultures of twenty-six groups of people around the world who do not have a version of the Bible in their own language.
Endangered Species and Friends
Des animaux connus ou moins connus, classés par ordre alphabétique.
"Learn the alphabet with the Beginning Baby animal friends! Touch and trace the upper- and lowercase letters from A to Z, and understand the meaning of basic verbs, from Ask to Zip"--
Written by: Lucy Marcovitch, Lyn Wendon Originator of Letterland: Lyn Wendon Design: Beth Maddox Photography: © Front cover by DomenicoGelermo; back cover by PicturePerfect; page 4 by kate_sept2004; page 7 by Anpet2000; ...