Little Heroes: First Ladies Who Changed the World introduces children to 11 incredible First Ladies who made a big difference.
Long after I stopped clipping articles, I continued to seek out stories of women who seemed to be redefining what was possible. CHELSEA: This book is the continuation of a conversation the two of us have been having since I was little.
Betty Boyd Caroli's engrossing and informative First Ladies is both a captivating read and an essential resource for anyone interested in the role of America's First Ladies.
Whether she was at a ball or on a battlefield, Martha Washington set the standard for all future First Ladies with her quiet determination and courage.
A biography of eleven notable women from Latin America for young readers and their parents.
In this unforgettable, award-winning book, New York Times bestselling author Margaret Truman profiles twelve remarkable women, some famous, others little known.
The nation's First Lady plays a vital leadership role in every administration. Her private life--from the clothes she wears to the causes she supports--excites the attention of a public eager...
For a historical examination of the Odell Waller case, see Richard B. Sherman, The Case of Odell Waller and Virginia Justice, 1940–1942 (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992). “ramshackle 1931 convertible": PM, Song, 152.
Presiding in the White House longer than any other first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt championed the downtrodden as she traveled the globe, yet she was a maze of contradictions—an idealist who...
Congresswoman Lynn Schenk of California relayed a message of admiration from her own mother who had not been so impressed since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt. Then, to an amused audience, Schenk noted: “My mother is not a woman who ...
The book concludes with the Siena College First Lady Polls (1982, 1993), a table of Presidents and First Ladies (1789-2001), and a comprehensive index.