Peeling the classical orange: from "A tract on monetary reform" to "The general theory"
Keynes's General Theory and current views: methodology, institutions and policies
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Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the worldÕs leading scholars.
Tiger by the Tail, A
Providing a comprehensive introduction to the post-Keynesian position on key issues confronting economists and public policy makers, this text reflects the changes that have occurred in post-Keynesian thought in recent years.
This book deals with three theoretical concerns. Due to the significance of the price mechanism to mainstream economics, a theoretical concern of the book is the business enterprise, markets, demand, and pricing.
Macroeconomicstraces the history, evolution, and challenges of Keynesian economics, presenting a comprehensive, detailed, and unbiased view of modern macroeconomic theory. For courses in Intermediate Macroeconomics.
This essay explores the ideas of statesman John Maynard Keynes, describing how he formulated a new system of political economy, as different and inspiring as the political economies of Adam Smith or Karl Marx.
Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren