After a stellar twenty-three-year career with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Dan Addario’s own part fighting in the War on Drugs didn’t end. For good reason. Because in July of 1993, he lost his thirty-one-year-old son to a crisis that shows no signs of abating. With Chasing the Dragon, Addario becomes the highest-ranking DEA agent ever to pen a book that includes the sum total of his experiences investigating narcotics hotbeds across the globe. These events include a stint as DEA’s regional director for the entire continent of South America, followed by Addario’s tenure running drug interdiction efforts in the infamous Golden Triangle. Though the phrase commonly means “chasing the high” that heroin provides, Chasing the Dragon in Addario’s world is centered around hunting the monster that so defined, and ultimately upended, his own life. A monster no one else has ever been able to catch. Until now.
Readers will be inspired by this tale of trust and loving like Jesus.
Yet, as she spoke of Jesus Christ, brutal Triad gangsters were converted, prostitutes quit, and Jackie discovered a new treatment for drug addiction: baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Readers will be inspired by this tale of trust and loving like Jesus.
Chasing the Dragon is the story of a Boston Herald reporter's journey into Burma/Myanmar to interview the mysterious drug lord, Khun Sa. The features desk of an American newspaper may seem an unlikely launchpad for a journey into one of the ...
In this, the series opener, Stansberry tells a story written in clear homage to the masters of the genre, yet with an original, breathtaking voice all his own. A complicated, shadowy man in disgrace, Dante Mancuso leads a double life.
The text introduces Dr Manaka's major clinical and theoretical accomplishments by describing how the 'X-signal system' is the foundation of human topography, function, and response.
Chasing the Dragon is bright, fast-moving, and accessible SF that mixes in fantasy and a cool cult-lit sensibility to create a series that will appeal to all fans of Laurrell K. Hamilton and Peter Hamilton alike.
Chasing the Dragon: A Veteran Journalist's Firsthand Account of the 1946-9 Chinese Revolution
An International Thriller Writers Award and a Shirley Jackson Award Nominee “An ancient monster, reanimated corpses, psychic visions, family legacies, blood and mayhem: Kaufmann gleefully piles horror trope on horror trope as his ...
I came to understand that the truly meaningful will be experienced outside the known world of fact and frame." Presented here is a stunning visual autobiography, chronicling more than five decades of artistic vision.