We don’t think of imagination the way that we should. The word is often only associated with children, artists and daydreamers, but in reality, imagination is an integral part of almost every action and decision that we make. Simply put, imagination is a person’s ability to create scenarios in his or her head: this can include everything from planning a grocery list, to honing a golf swing, to having religious hallucinations. And while imagination has positive connotations, it can also lead to decreased productivity and cooperation, or worse, the continuous reliving of past trauma.The human brain is remarkable in its ability to imagine—it can imagine complex possible futures, fantasy worlds, or tasty meals. We can use our imaginations to make us relaxed or anxious. We can imagine what the world might be, and construct elaborate plans. People have been fascinated with the machination of the human brain and its ability to imagine for centuries. There are books on creativity, dreams, memory, and the mind in general, but how exactly do we create those scenes in our head? With chapters ranging from hallucination and imaginary friends to how imagination can make you happier and more productive, Jim Davies' Imagination will help us explore the full potential of our own mind.
Lola and her friends want to play soccer. The boys don’t want them to. The girls are not only good players, they’re also strategic, and end up scoring for the team.
This book probes the theological sources of the imagination, which make it a vital tool for knowing and responding to such disclosures.
The book is closely integrated with the author's Three Minute Ministry Mentor web resource.
It is what propels you toward greatness. The problem is you don't often know what you want and look outside yourself for the answers. In this book: You will discover YOUR answers by looking inside yourself.
The Imagination Machine is the guide you need to demystify and operationalize this powerful human capacity, to inject new life into your company, and to head into unknown territory with the right tools at your disposal.
I am very grateful and honored to have been selected to receive the 2002 Clyde S. Kilby Research Grant from the Marion E. Wade Center for research relating to this book. A major part of the book was drafted during a xi Acknowledgments.
Projective identification is a process whereby the patient unconsciously " places ” feelings within the analyst . As a consequence , the patient directs the analyst's imagination so that he assumes an alien role that may correspond to ...
The answers may surprise you! The Power of Imagination reveals the part of spiritual life that is often shunned or closeted away because it may seem New Age or too unconventional.
This is the Pragmatic Imagination: a concept and framework of six principles.This book is the last chapter of a larger work.
A fantastically funny story about how a rabbit outwits a wild wolf and learns to be the hero of his own story.