When we leave our destiny in the hands of others and live our life in the past, we immediately destroy our future. Scientists in the human genome industry have proved that all humans are 99.9 percent the same. Why then are some ethnicities progressive and others nonprogressive? Our current problems are not with the slave or colonial masters. We Are Becoming the Problem Now! Had we continued in the legacy of our ancestors simply known as slaves, we ought to have been the pride and joy of the whole world. They went through unimaginable pain, sorrow, hardship, and torment. They survived and even succeeded by leaving a godly legacy behind in the Negro spiritual songs and in arts, education, industry, and every conceivable field. Our current major problems as blacks in Africa and all over the world simply put are leadership and disunity. We do the dirty work by self-destroying ourselves and each other. Only few illiterate Caucasian would engage in overt discrimination. The majority of us have been trained in the art and act of covert self-destruction and in the destruction of the whole. We have so much zeal but without knowledge. We must bear in mind that zeal without knowledge is dead, so also knowledge without zeal is equally lifeless (Romans 10:2). Not until we harness our zeal and knowledge comprehensively can we live a progressive life. It has been said that if the West is to stand still and halt all development and progress, Africa would never catch up. Yet we have PhDs in every conceivable field. Do we blame that on the ancestors of the slave or colonial masters? No! We are to be blamed. We Are Becoming the Problem Now! Those who have ears to hear, let them hear because time is of the essence.
Our current major problems as blacks in Africa and all over the world simply put are leadership and disunity. We do the dirty work by self-destroying ourselves and each other.
Ideal for anyone new to the job market or new to management, or anyone hoping to improve their work experience.”—Library Journal (starred review) “I am a huge fan of Alison Green’s Ask a Manager column. This book is even better.
IMPACT (I MUST PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS - NO OTHER WAY) 1 CORINTHIANS 13:11 When I was a child, I spake As a child, I tmdersood as a child, I thought as a child: but when i became a MAN, {put away childish things.
Nonetheless, the only way your plans will succeed is if they're built on a firm and solid foundation. ... Whether you came up the hard way or went to a nice school and landed a cushy job right off the bat, you need to be able to think ...
Updated with recent issues such as the national debate on health care reform, this Second Edition of How Can We Solve Our Social Problems? gives students a sense of hope by demonstrating specific, realistic steps we can take to solve some ...
... now , most of the areas that have historically been the purview of coins , are increasingly becoming more receptive to electronic transactions — they are becoming the preferred way for those authorities to operate . So even today , on ...
... becomes an actual problem. By bringing small Q A How did itgo? My son has a learning. You can use these thermometers to measure the heat of various scenarios, not just ADHD symptoms. For instance, if your child is struggling to sit still ...
Allen, Charlotte. “Brainwashed! Scholars of Cults Accuse Each Other of Bad Faith. ... Lewis, James R., and J. Gordon Melton, eds. Perspectives on the New Age. Stony Brook: State University of New York Press, 1992.
The text is improved. Throughout the book, the author has made corrections, stylistic improvements, and changed the wording as needed to make clearer his line of thought. Summary Each of the fifteen essays takes up a philosophical problem.