From Darkness to Light is a compilation of personal testimonies of six Holocaust survivors, written in a short story format. The book walks readers through their life experiences before and during the Holocaust, their liberation, and their new life in Israel. Each story is told in their own words, culled from hours of personal interviews with them and their children, so the world can have first-hand knowledge of what happened during that darkest time of our history. These survivors came from different parts of Europe, and not one story is like the other. Now in their eighties and nineties, they still recall in detail their darkest memories. Amid immense pain and suffering, they managed to overcome every hurdle they encountered under the Nazi regime. When these stalwart individuals were liberated, no matter what further anguish and obstacles they faced, they realized their dream to make aliya to Israel. They settled in the Holy Land as visionaries and pioneers to build the Jewish state, which itself was undergoing conflict and difficult economic times. Their love for the Jewish homeland and their creation of families with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren exemplify how Hitler’s aim to annihilate the Jews was nullified.
In this profoundly honest book, Lamar invites you to walk with him through the good times and bad, while looking ahead to a brighter future.
We believe that through the recent societal trends and improved sharing of information, we are beginning to break this paradigm, therefore another aim of this book will be to educate the public.
Why does knowledge make us see things we don't want to see?
From Darkness to Light: Aspects of Conversion in the New Testament
From Darkness to Light is the testimony of one man's firsthand experience with God's everlasting love and enduring mercy?a story of redemption. Terry Boucher was raised in Truth, but he chose to walk away from God at a young age.
His approach is methodological, combining intellectual and social history to argue that if we are to take the Bolshevik revolutionary experiment seriously, we have to examine carefully the ideological presupposition of both communist ...
that Annie had encouraged Helen to steal the story and was now trying to cover it up. The teachers asked question after question. “Are you lying?” “Do you think it's right to steal?” “Have you stolen any other writing?
Jeff Fenholt's life as a rock star was taken up with music, drugs and fast-lane pursuits. The story of his salvation and deliverance is a dramatic testimony of God's love and power which will bring hope to any believer.
The work that you are holding in your hands now is the result of a human life full of drama, mysticism and experiences that may seem certainly contradictory for those who are far away from God.
Salam!I am Sheikha and these poems are like a window to my heart.