"Llama's imagination is too big for her cage at the zoo in Lima, Peru. With the help of her friends, Mono and Cuy, she makes a plan for a daring escape. Once she sees how fascinating the city can be, will she ever return home?"--cover.
Topics include buying a llama, building a herd, breeding, feeding, health care, llama behavior, and using llamas as guardian and expedition animals
In this bilingual version of the classic rhyme, Maria takes her llama to school one day.
Llama Llama doesn't want to share his toys with his new neighbors. But when fighting leads to broken toys and tears, Llama learns that it's better to share.
Llama Llama celebrates Valentine's Day with his friends and family.
"Meet the llama! Learn about how this friendly mammal was tamed many years ago. Elementary-aged readers will discover that llamas sometimes wrestle with their necks.