"If you are a fan of Hunger Games or the Matrix, this is the book that you carry around with you until you get to the end." 1. If you win, you survive. 2. If you lose, you and everyone you love slowly starve to death. Years before twelve-year-old Jesse was born, everyday life tipped into this dystopia when firestorms burned through millions upon millions of acres of sustainable farmland. Now there's not enough food for too many people. Leaders from around the globe came together and conceived of the most extraordinary competition imaginable. The results determine who gets what and how much. This battlefield lies within the grid, a virtual world where the people mine credits to stake their claim for their daily bread. When everyone else is living a virtual life honing unreal skills, only the truly gifted have the courage and know-how to be real. And Jesse might be the most gifted competitor in The Threshing. Ever.
Encouraging you to carry the needs of others to the Lord, Bynum offers practical advice on becoming a "doer" of the Word and a "living sacrifice" as you learn to pray wit
"The Threshing Floor of Faith" will address questions and present scriptural answers to topics such as: * Science and Religion; creation and scripture, * Translations of the Book of Abraham and the Book of Mormon,* Past restrictions of the ...
Tap into the supernatural realm, where you will find love, peace, contentment, and the solution to every problem you face-if you will answer the call to pray.
What essential actions lie beneath the moves the characters make? How does each scene propel the story forward? Coyne opens the Guide by analyzing the structure of the Action Story, the first and most primal fiction genre.
When everyone else is living a virtual life honing unreal skills, only the truly gifted have the courage and know-how to be real.And Jessie might be the most gifted competitor in The Threshing.Ever.
"While Jack Garrison is forever a changed man free of his bitterness, his future looks uncertain.
A grandmother who only ever wanted to protect her two little girls.
Dreaming the sky down -- The pinstripe summer -- He said -- Miss Jessie -- Coming of age -- A time for every purpose -- The threshing floor
Every day you can press in closer to the Father and experience a deeper and more intimate relationship in the process of purification—on the threshing floor.
The Early Byzantine civilization was rather conservative and adopted few changes in the realm of threshing and winnowing. The Christian world overlapped that of Rome in late antiquity and its clerical writers had little interest in ...