神的藝術,建立神的國度 人們透過世界上超過七千種語言進行交流。他們還會唱歌、跳舞、繪畫、講道、演戲和設計不同的交流方式,去使人們的心靈、靈魂、頭腦和力量充滿生氣。神賜予每個群體獨特的藝術表達方式,使其成員能夠宣揚真理,並在我們所生活的敗壞世界中,為他人帶來醫治、希望和喜樂。 《貼近神心意的社群藝術》強調「共創本地藝術」(Creating Local Arts Together,CLAT)中的七個步驟,啟發與當地音樂家、舞者、說故事者、演員和視覺藝術家等進行藝術創作和協作。在本手冊中,藝術被視為特殊的溝通系統,與特定的時間、地點和社會背景相關聯。當本地群體運用在他們獨特文化中發展起來的創意天賦,來敬拜上帝並延伸祂的國度時,這會展現出上主那綜合藝術之美。 本書幫助不同群體從二千多年的教會歷史的例子和見解中借鏡,去理解和改進現在。它透過生動的描述畫面,激勵人們追尋一個更美好的未來:天國。作者們還運用來自多個學術領域的專業知識(例如民族音樂學、表演研究、人類學、聖經研究和宣教學)在本書之中。 讀者可嘗試使用本手冊,將它處境化地應用在你的環境,讓它成為你的助手,創造令人驚嘆的天國藝術作品。
After just a year or so, my father saw several lots for sale in the small village of Timberlake, Ohio, just thirty minutes from Cleveland.
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... Gregory Pritchard, Robert Clarke and Donald Wester of philosophy; from the religion faculty, James Timberlake, Rowena Strickland, Dan Holcomb, ...
walked over the frost-brittled grass, my long skirt swishing it dryly. I'd come to weep below the willows, to let the sound of the stream carry my lament ...
Frost, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost. The Good Witch's Bible. 7th ed. ... Gordon, Lynn D., ed. Gender and Higher Education in the Progressive Era.
Kenneth S. Todd. Reasons. to. Obey. God. Let's discuss four reasons why we should obey God. The first two deal with how we personally deal with God.
God's word is clear about the importance of godly friendships. This edition shows men how valuable those friendships are to spiritual growth.
In 2011, Thom S. Rainer published some research project results in a volume ... projecting the top challenging issue they deal with in bicultural settings ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...