SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET Freddie’s been hired—by her mother. Mom's new husband is running for office, but her old husband—Freddie's father—is just plain running. Tracking down Danny O'Neal's biker buddies, she finds the trail's pretty cold after all these years. But while Freddie's digging up her wayward father's past, she may be digging her own grave—as she unearths murder, deceit, and secrets she never expected... A FREDDIE O'NEAL MYSTERY For fun, she likes a game of Keno. To relax, she'll hang out with her cats. And for excitement, nothing beats piloting a plane. But when it comes to crime—in a gambling town like Reno—Freddie O'Neal is all business. “A superbly written P.I. novel”—bestselling author Carolyn G. Hart “Taut, wise, and witty . . . as compelling a book as I’ve read in a long while.”—Dorothy Salisbury Davis
This story has been inside for some sixty-three years and has now been poured out onto the pages of this small but powerful book.
What makes his success even more remarkable is that he has limited vision and cerebral palsy. This is the story of Lachlan's rise to the top of world wheelchair racing, told from his father's perspective.
Findo Gask. Career Criminal. Makes a mistake. Heads west to fix it. But California is a place for dreamers, and Findo's dreams have all run out.
... walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat that caught a crooked mouse. And they all lived together in a little crooked house...... The story might have ended there if a doctor had ...
It has been said, some would agree by wiser men than I, that in order for evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good men to do nothing.
Sometimes you find yourself in a place and situation you never dreamed of.
Lady Tasker had missed her way in the Tube.
"Ruth Hamilton has exceeded all expectations [-] another successful novel..." -- ***** Reader review. "Really enjoying this book.
... Walk a Crooked Mile—edward Small Productions/Columbia; released September 2, 1948; Black and white; 91 min. Credits: Producers: edward Small, Grant Whytock; Director: Gordon Douglas; Screenplay: George Bruce; Director of photography ...
1. On Mickey Spillane's early career in the “slicks,” “pulps,” and comic books (“SubMariner, the Human Torch, Blue Bolt, Captain America,” etc.), see Mickey Spillane, “Mickey Spillane in His Own Words,” in Max Allan Collins and James L.