The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings for Year C

The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings for Year C
The Word of the Lord
Emmaus Road Publishing
John Bergsma


The Catholic Lectionary guides us through the liturgical year, presenting Old and New Testament readings that together reveal God’s unfolding plan for our salvation. In The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings for Year C, biblical scholar Dr. John Bergsma provides commentary alongside each Sunday’s readings. Whether you are a homilist seeking insight into the meaning of difficult scriptural passages or a Catholic desiring a deepened understanding of the readings you hear at Mass, The Word of the Lord serves as an invaluable guide. This volume includes commentaries for: Readings for the Season of Advent Readings for the Season of Christmas Readings for the Season of Lent Readings for the Season of Easter Readings for the Season of Ordinary Time Readings for Solemnities of the Lord in Ordinary Time

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