Fifth grade is proving to be a challenge for ten-year-old Cassidy. There's a new girl at school who's stealing her best friend's heart, an abandoned bird who might not survive the winter, and an older sister whose emotional needs leave Cassidy scrambling to keep the peace. Cassidy will do anything to help prevent her sister's "Super Sophie Tantrums," even if that means pretending life is fine when it one-hundred-percent is not. But pretending has its limits and its costs, even for a sunshiny girl like Cassidy. Will she find a way to embrace the stormy side of her personality before everything falls apart?
SING USA SONG OF JOY What if we imagine our task as singing a new song for our age of unbelief? What in the world could this mean in the midst of our complex, broken world? Think about this metaphor for a moment, a metaphor so often ...
As I began writing this section a few weeks after the release, the midterm elections were nine days away. In the week immediately before, a memo had leaked from the White House detailing a plan to narrowly define gender, ...
"One of the most inspiring stories I've come across in a long time.
Harry Smith The Anthology of American Folk Music. This is the famous compilation edited by Harry Smith and often referred to simply as “the Harry Smith anthology.” It's a three-volume, six-record, eighty-four-track set that came out on ...
Twenty-something guitarist Aksel stutters when he sings, and the latest reviews say he has the voice of a crow with throat plague.
Have you ever wondered about those crickets-you know, the little black insects that rub something together to make chirping sounds when it seems extra hot and sticky?
Always liked to hear you play . Used to run up to the balcony after Sunday school so I could see your fingers better . Right hard to see ' em from the pews down below . " He shifts toward me . " Bet you could play some guitar ...
... something happened. You got tired of singing melody. So, now all our singers are doubling and tripling up on harmonies so as not to sing ... sing the song with the ... true. Harmony is not just singing something other than the melody. By ...
... singing - no , not just singing , something called True - singing ? All those times that he had sung with Lorenwile he had had no idea that there was something far greater a voice could achieve . There was a kind of singing that ...
Amaral , Prudêncio do , De sacchari opificio carmen ( Pesaro , 1780 ?; Rome , 1781 ) . * Augurello , Giovanni Aurelio , Chrysopoeia , libri iii ... Dufresnoy , Charles Alphonse , De arte graphica ( Paris , 1668 ) ; in Oudin , vol .