Federal Criminal Practice combines substantive federal criminal law, Federal Criminal Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence, with a mock case. The course explores the basis for federal criminal jurisdiction and the investigation of federal criminal cases as well as each step of the prosecution defense of a federal criminal case. Students apply what they learn from lectures and discussion in a manner that expands their understanding and develops their practical skills. Course materials consist of a textbook, mock case materials, and a teacher's manual. The mock case involves an arson of a business committed to collect insurance proceeds. Classes involve lectures, discussion, and written and oral exercises. Students write a search warrant application, an indictment, and a substantive exhibit/witness list. Students examine witnesses before the grand jury, conduct voir dire, present opening statements and closing arguments, and conduct direct and cross examination.
Federal Criminal Practice: A Second Circuit Handbook
Federal Criminal Practice: A Second Circuit Handbook
Federal Criminal Practice R9
Federal Criminal Practice: A Second Circuit Handbook
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Federal Criminal Practice: A Seventh Circuit Handbook
A Student's Guide to the Rules of Criminal Procedure, Second Edition is the perfect companion to any criminal procedure or federal criminal law coursebook. This text provides a straightforward overview...
This book describes the formal rules and informal practices involved in the development and resolution of a criminal case, from the decision to charge to disposition by trial or plea, and sentencing.
Federal Criminal Practice: A Second Circuit Handbook
From investigation and discovery, to trial and sentencing, this text traces every step of the way through five hypothetical criminal cases that illustrate procedure, raise discussion questions, and engage students in skill-building ...