The 2nd edition of the Securities Litigation and Enforcement Nutshell focuses on an area of law that burgeoned nearly two decades ago after the accounting and corporate governance scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and other large publicly traded companies. It is an area of law that has only continued to expand with the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent legislation, including the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 and the JOBS Act of 2012, and with several recent rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Nutshell examines private, SEC, and criminal enforcement of the federal securities laws, with an emphasis on the elements that establish securities fraud, and the doctrinal and practical issues that typically emerge in prosecuting or defending such claims.
Principles in Practice Todd L. Archibald, James Cooper Morton ... Toronto Belt Line Railway ( 1912 ) , 21 O.W.R. 348 at 350 ( Master ) ( Master Cartwright ) ; Inglis v . James Richardson & Sons Ltd. ( 1912 ) , 4 O.W.N. 23 ( Master ) ...
Designed to be used in conjunction with the Connecticut Practice Book and the Connecticut General Statutes, this exceptionally practical, how-to guide to civil litigation in Connecticut provides a unique overall picture of the litigation ...
These are raised by Kidder , but have also been discussed within CLRP and by others , including Tushnet ( 1980 ) and ... s Of course , there is always an additional risk that the presence of the researcher will alter decisions the ...
33, see Cain v Francis & McKay v Hamlani [2008] EWCA 1451.) See also paragraph 7.4.4. Practical pointers when calculating the limitation period As stated, time 'runs' from the day following the day of accrual of the action.
Litigation privilege can normally be claimed in proceedings in which a judicial function is being exercised, but if the proceedings are merely fact-finding (for example, an inquiry under the Banking Acts—see the Three Rivers case again) ...
Civil Litigation Conference, 2000: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, the Third Biennial Civil Litigation Conference, Held in...
Asbestos Litigation in the United Kingdom: An Interim Report
Cross-border Litigation: Environmental Rights in the Great Lakes Ecosystem
The text is ideal for students taking the Legal Practice Course or relevant LLB or LLM modules and features case studies on both a personal injury matter and a commercial matter, making it suitable for students with either a high street or ...
This review investigated the nature of sexual harassment in employment that is being reported to HREOC by analysing complaints made to HREOC.