Distance Learning is for leaders, practitioners, and decision makers in the fields of distance learning, e-learning, telecommunications, and related areas. It is a professional journal with applicable information for those involved with providing instruction to all kinds of learners, of all ages, using telecommunications technologies of all types. Stories are written by practitioners for practitioners with the intent of providing usable information and ideas. Articles are accepted from authors--new and experienced--with interesting and important information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning. Distance Learning is published quarterly. Each issue includes eight to ten articles and three to four columns, including the highly regarded "And Finally..." column covering recent important issues in the field and written by Distance Learning editor, Michael Simonson. Articles are written by practitioners from various countries and locations, nationally and internationally.
But it is also a version of the Matthew effect, this time in attention rather than reading—the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (Stanovich, 1986). In this case, it's our positive attention that is gold.
This powerful guide includes: · Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each module to track your own learning and model evidence-based teacher practices for meaningful learning · A diversity of instructional approaches, including ...
But the answer will always be simple: We must teach and learn in pursuit of a deeper sense of collective humanity—and for no other reason." "This book is equal parts visionary and practical, courageous and invitational.
Distance Education: Statewide, Institutional, and International Applications of Distance Education, 2nd Edition is a collection of readings from Distance Learning journal written by practitioners for practitioners.
Stanovich, K. E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 22, 360–407. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education ...
Consequently, while developing and teaching online courses, we have a tendency to forget that the e-learning classroom can (and should) offer engaging and interactive learning experiences. Many e-learning activities can be adaptations ...
Articles are accepted from authors--new and experienced--with interesting and important information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning. Distance Learning is published quarterly.
The authors look at options that are available to institutions considering the addition of distance learning to their programs, strategies for integrating new equipment with existing equipment, and ways of fostering a positive learning ...
Co-Published with the Microsoft Corporation Online, Blended and Distance Education in Schools provides students enrolled in Education Technology, Educational Administration and related Masters and PhD programs with expert opinions and ...
Retrieved from http://sloanconsortium.org/quality_scorecard_online_program Sorensen, C. (1996). Final evaluation report: Iowa ... A., M., D. (1995). (ERIC D., 14, & & B., of & A Kirkwood, Kirkwood, 2013, & guide Shulha, distance Irele, ...